Excel – Protect cell formats

Text from http://excelhints.com/2008/10/21/protect-cell-formats/

Format the Sheet

The first thing you want to do is go ahead and format the sheet they way you want it to look.  Add borders, cell shading, bold, italics, anything.  Once you finish this walkthrough, you won’t have to worry about setting it again.

Unlock the Cells
Excel provides an easy way to unlock your cells for editing.

  1. Select all the cells you want users to be able to edit.
  2. Right click and select Format Cells from the right-click menu.
  3. Click on the last tab, “Protection” and uncheck the “Locked” checkbox (it is checked by default.

You cells are now unlocked and you are ready to protect your sheet.

Protect the Sheet
Protecting the sheet can be done in one easy step.  From the main menu, select Tools–>Protection–>Protect Sheet.  If you want the default settings without a password, just hit OK and your formatting is now protected while still being able to change the cells contents.

You’ll notice however there are many other options available for you to choose.  Check the options you want the user to be able to do (You’ll notice “Format Cells” is unchecked by default).

  • Select locked cells (Default: Checked)
  • Select unlocked Cells (Default: Checked)
  • Format Cells (Default: Unchecked)
  • Format Columns (Default: Unchecked)
  • Format Rows (Default: Unchecked)
  • Insert Columns (Default: Unchecked)
  • Insert Rows (Default: Unchecked)
  • Insert Hyperlinks (Default: Unchecked)
  • Delete Columns (Default: Unchecked)
  • Delete Rows (Default: Unchecked)
  • Sort (Default: Unchecked)
  • Use AutoFilter (Default: Unchecked)
  • Use PivotTable report (Default: Unchecked)
  • Edit Objects (Default: Unchecked)
  • Edit Scenarios (Default: Unchecked)

The only other decision left to make is whether you want password protection on the sheet as well.  If you don’t put a password on the sheet protection, any user can turn it off the exact way you turned it on.

Display headers in outlook message

Outlook 2007/2010/2013
You can display full headers by double clicking on a message so that it opens in a separate window (not the preview pane).

Start Outlook.
Double-click the message for which you want to view full internet headers.
Click Options (2007) or Tags (2010/2013).

message options button /

The Message Options dialog box is displayed. The internet headers are shown in the Internet headers field at the bottom of the dialog box.



This occurs because the classpath is not setup or referenced correctly.

Executing your program using this command should correct the problem:
java -classpath . helloworld

where helloworld is the name of your compiled class.

This tells java that your classpath is your local directory.